May is Mental Health Awareness Month

Sherri HebdaHuman Resources, News

For people with bipolar disorder, mental illness feels like a balancing act. In order to stay healthy, people with this disorder need to take their meds, get enough sleep, and stay attuned to their mood. They are always aware of the potential for their symptoms of mania and depression to recur, and must be prepared to manage them. This illness and other mental health illnesses could very well affect your current employees without you being aware of it, especially depending on the level of severity. A healthy workplace environment is paramount for these employees to manage symptoms at work and it involves many of the same supports that your employees appreciate, such as: access to employee assistance programs (EAPs), health …

OSHA to Extend Electronic Recordkeeping Compliance Date

Matt OlphinRisk Management

OSHA announced in an email on May 17th that it intends to delay the July 1, 2017 compliance date for the electronic submission of the 2016 Form 300A. As part of the final rule, Improve Tracking of Workplace Injuries and Illnesses issued in May 2016, employers had a phased-in compliance deadline for the electronic submission of recordkeeping forms. For 2017, employers with establishments with 250 or more employees and establishments with less than 250 employees but 20 or more in certain high-risk industries were required to electronically submit their 2016 Form 300A by July 1, 2017. However, the secure website that OSHA intended to use for the submission of these recordkeeping forms has not been made available. Further, OSHA stated …

Medicare Primer

Tony MontgomeryHealth Benefits, Medicare

If you’re nearing retirement age, or are over 65 and still working, you may have questions about Medicare. Read on for the information you need to know. What Is Medicare? Medicare is health insurance for people who are age 65 or older, under 65 with certain disabilities, or any age with End-stage Renal Disease (permanent kidney failure). Types of Medicare There are four types of Medicare: Medicare Part A helps cover inpatient care in hospitals, skilled nursing facilities, and hospice and home health care. Generally there is no monthly premium if you qualify and paid Medicare taxes while working. Medicare Part B helps cover medical services like doctors’ services, outpatient care and other medically necessary services that Part A doesn’t …

As Hobby Drone Use Increases, So Do Concerns

Lisa SpencerPersonal Lines

The increase in the use and popularity of drones by hobbyists raises issues regarding associated risks. The article below covers two issues to consider: privacy and security. However, if you have joined the drone craze, are you adequately covered in the event of a mishap? What other issues do you need to consider? Are you aware of the FAA registration rule? For guidance and to learn more, contact our Personal Lines Solution.   Some Los Angeles Kings fans were celebrating the team’s Stanley Cup win outside the Staples Center last week when they noticed a Phantom-model quadcopter drone buzzing above, surveying the scene. Angry at the intrusion, they knocked it down using a T-shirt and smashed it into bits with a …

Healthcare Reform and House Amended AHCA – Right Back Where We Started

Matt PfeiffenbergerHealth Benefits, Large Group Benefits (100+), News, Small Group Benefits (2-50)

You have no doubt seen many articles, news releases or media reports on the House passage on May 4th on the amended American Health Care Act or AHCA (H.R. 1628). The vote, 217 to 213, was on strict party lines with 20 Republicans joining 193 Democrats in voting against the measure. In Pennsylvania, 13 Republicans voted for the Act, including Congressmen Barletta, Marino, Smucker and Perry while Congressmen Dent, Costello, Fitzpatrick and Meehan were no votes. The split among Pennsylvania’s Republicans is indicative of the inner turmoil within the Republican Party when it comes to any attempt to repeal Obamacare. We would like to provide you with an in-depth summary of the newly amended AHCA but what’s the point? We …

Recruitment: How Do I Find the Right People?

Sherri HebdaHuman Resources

The following article by Lori Kleiman appears on the website HR Topics*. Recruitment of top talent is an important issue for small business owners as it’s critical to the success of any operation. The full process of recruiting is time consuming and can be fraught with errors. Organizations that do not possess a full-time HR resource find that the time required to identify and engage a new team member can be overwhelming. When there is a single team member responsible for the HR function, recruiting can become a priority leaving other business critical activities to fall to the side. Juggling phone screens, interviews and reference checks can take time away from other critical HR functions. Regardless of who is responsible, …

When Do Related Companies Get Combined for Purposes of FMLA?

Bob WerkheiserHuman Resources

Consider this example: Company A has 30 employees in Lancaster and Company B has 30 employees in Bethlehem. Family Medical Leave Act (FMLA) analysis is easy, right? Neither company has 50 employees, and, therefore, neither is covered under FMLA. Not so fast! Related corporations may have their employee counts aggregated for purposes of determining whether they have 50 or more employees under the FMLA through the “single integrated employer” test. The FMLA requires an employer to comply with its regulations if it employs 50 or more workers within a 75-mile radius. Under the single integrated employer test, Company A and Company B may be regarded as a single employer for FMLA coverage (and have their employee counts aggregated) depending on …