April 26 – 30, 2021 is National Work Zone Awareness Week

Denise GillinNews, Risk Management

Each year in the spring, National Work Zone Awareness Week (NWZAW) is held to bring national attention to motorist and worker safety and mobility issues in work zones. Work zone related changes in traffic patterns and rights of way, combined with the presence of workers, and the frequent movement of work vehicles, may lead lead to crashes, injuries, and fatalities. Through NWZAW, the Federal Highway Administration and its partners hope to bring attention to the the critical issue of road user and worker safety in and around work zones. This year, the Michigan Department of Transportation (MDOT) is hosting the 2021 National Work Zone Awareness Week kick-off event on April 27 with the theme, “Drive Safe. Work Safe Save Lives.” …

Meet Them Where They Are

Denise GillinDiversity & Inclusion, News

By Maureen Brody for LeadersEdge.com There’s an old maxim about pulling ourselves up by the bootstraps, but career achievement is more often a collaborative enterprise in which successful people spot, sponsor and promote their future replacements. In that vein, The Council and several of its members and valued partners are undertaking efforts to assist minority talent with entering the insurance industry – and thriving in it. Some questions executives can ask: How many of our executives come from racial minorities? Is this representative of the general population? If not, why? Are we recruiting from places that have substantial minority participation? If not, where can we turn for more access to minority candidates? Can we sponsor a scholarship, internship or apprenticeship? …

Guidance for Pennsylvania Businesses in Restaurant Industry Updated

Denise GillinNews

April 1, 2021 Update / Governor.pa.gov Businesses Subject to This Guidance – Click here for details All businesses in the retail food services industry, including restaurants, wineries, breweries, private clubs, and bars, are permitted to provide take-out and delivery sales of food, as well as dine-in serviceĀ in both indoor and outdoor seating areas so long as they strictly adhere to the requirements of the guidance, as required by this guidance, including: Alcohol can only be served for on-premises consumption. Take-out sales of alcohol for the purposes of off-site consumption are permitted subject to any limitations or restrictions imposed by Pennsylvania law. This guidance applies to all restaurants, private event spaces and wedding venues with food service, licensed clubs, and bars, …

Economic Stress Tests Workers’ Comp Plans

Denise GillinHealth Benefits, Insurance, Risk Management, Third Party Claim Administration

By John Lacy for LeadersEdge.com With prevailing economic pressures widely expected to persist, more and more businesses will consider different ways to adapt, including the possibility of smaller, less skilled, and/or over-burdened workforces. These additional stresses could increase the risks of on-the-job injuries and, in some cases, jeopardize the ongoing well-being of the business. The good news for business owners is that those companies willing to proactively refine and manage their workers compensation program can take steps to mitigate losses, thus keeping their workers safe and protecting their business interests. Read how a robust workers’ compensation program is a basic tenet of successful risk management>>>