The insurance industry pays many more claims for water damage than they do for fire damage! And, the number of losses spike during the cold winter months. Do you know how to reduce the potential for water damage from: Wind-blown rain, sleet and snow from severe storms Ice damming Flooding and damage from surface water Accidental activation or damage to piping containing water Roof collapse For more information and to access the Water Damage Prevention Inspection Checklist >>>
Department of Agriculture Urges Farmers to Protect Against Flood Damage
From the July 2018 Farm Link newsletter… Agriculture Secretary Russell Redding today urged farmers and pet owners, particularly in central Pennsylvania, to prepare for the potential of flooding due to recent heavy rains. “It is critical that Pennsylvanians protect their animals, property, and assets against flooding, and many steps can be taken now to prevent future damage,” Redding said. Redding offered the following tips to help agricultural producers minimize damage caused by floodwaters: Ensure manure storage area has sufficient capacity, as rains can add to depth. Relocate livestock and animals from low-lying, flood-prone areas. Move machinery, feed, grain, pesticides, herbicides, forage bales and nursery stock to higher elevation. Store enough livestock feed and water for 72 hours. Fill generators with …